This is a slice of Google Search Analytics of the SALIU.COM website on March 21, 2016. Things have improved since the devilish Penguin Update in 2013. And then, my site was taken down because of a bogus copyright infringement complaint in 2014. The intriguing thing for me now is how much better my site fares on mobile devices. There are more than twice referrals from mobile devices! My Web site, however, was designed in the desktop-only era! I still think that the best device for viewing my site is the desktop. Not to mention that my software is for PC only.
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Pages Clicks Impressions CTR Position
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5. Newsgroups.htm 277 3,081 8.99% 9.0
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6. lottowheel.html 252 3,433 7.34% 10.6
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7. LottoWin.htm 202 4,915 4.11% 13.9
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Roulette Systems, Strategy, Software, Theory, Mathematics
13. index.htm 138 1,659 8.32% 4.5
Return to Socrates Web Site ~ Ideas, Philosophy, Mathematics, Science, Software, God, Universe, Randomness, Absurdity of Absolute Certainty
14. gambling-lottery-lotto/lottery-math.htm 127 1,755 7.24% 10.6
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17. bbs/messages/399.html 110 2,296 4.79% 19.1
Blackjack Basic Strategy Decisions: Double Down, Hit Stand, Split Pairs
18. bbs/messages/11.html 107 1,664 6.43% 14.3
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Standard Deviation: Mathematics, Statistics, Formulas, Software, Algorithms, Equations, Evaluation
25. Pick3-Stats.html 84 985 8.53% 10.9
Pick 3 Daily Digits, Frequency Ranks, Statistics
26. euro_millions.html 84 1,114 7.54% 21.9
Euromillions: Odds Calculator, Online Numbers Generator, Combinations, Software, Systems, Strategy
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31. bbs/messages/598.html 75 1,006 7.46% 12.4
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32. RouletteHalves.html 72 1,792 4.02% 6.0
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62. bbs/messages/593.html 34 950 3.58% 13.9
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156. more.htm 9 166 5.42% 19.0
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164. contact.htm 8 413 1.94% 13.8
Contact Information Ion Saliu, Lottery, Gambling, Software
165. bbs/messages/278.html 8 259 3.09% 17.9
Lotto Software, Lottery Software Comparison, Gail Howard
166. bbs/bbs6.htm 7 101 6.93% 20.7
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167. WhatNew.htm 7 488 1.43% 26.0
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168. gambling-lottery-lotto/gambling-lawsuits.htm 7 122 5.74% 34.6
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186. bbs/messages/279.html 6 102 5.88% 19.5
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192. bbs/messages/870.html 6 73 8.22% 20.4
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193. IonSaliuParadox.pdf 6 26 23.08% 13.6
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194. gambling-lottery-lotto/best_roulette.htm 6 401 1.5% 60.4
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195. keywords/sports.htm 6 225 2.67% 37.4
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198. bbs/bbs3.htm 5 165 3.03% 26.0
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199. strategy-gambling-lottery.html 5 126 3.97% 36.4
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Directory of Messages, Posts, Articles, Blogs
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201. bbs/messages/645.html 5 39 12.82% 14.9
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205. forum/powerball-stats.html 5 136 3.68% 28.0
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210. bbs/messages/523.html 5 59 8.47% 21.8
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212. bbs/messages/263.html 4 24 16.67% 21.8
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246. content/horses.html 3 66 4.55% 34.2
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255. gambling-lottery-lotto/best_blackjack.htm 3 242 1.24% 64.1
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289. bbs/messages/157.html 2 24 8.33% 8.2
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293. bbs/messages/768.html 2 10 20% 62.2
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294. bbs/messages/569.html 2 10 20% 2.8
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Pages 201-250 at Website SALIU.COM: Lottery, Lotto, Wheels, Systems,
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297. bbs/messages/683.html 2 67 2.99% 8.4
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306. gambling-lottery-lotto/best_lottery.htm 2 109 1.83% 27.1
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316. bbs/messages/617.html 2 63 3.17% 16.4
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318. decades.html 2 16 12.5% 5.9
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Archive #4 of World Message Board, Forum: Lottery, Lotto Software, Spreadsheets, Roulette
324. bbs/messages/916.html 2 3 66.67% 6.0
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325. bbs/messages/299.html 2 11 18.18% 20.8
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326. content/probability.html 2 45 4.44% 34.8
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327. bbs/messages/288.html 2 75 2.67% 12.8
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332. content/lottery.html 2 59 3.39% 15.4
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334. bbs/messages/596.html 1 21 4.76% 8.4
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380. Ion_Saliu.html 1 14 7.14% 36.3
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382. sitemap/sitemap9.htm 1 19 5.26% 87.7
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392. bbs/messages/287.html 1 7 14.29% 7.6
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394. bbs/messages/861.html 1 18 5.56% 29.1
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398. gambling-lottery-lotto/lotto-software.htm 1 38 2.63% 8.9
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