The Best Software for Pick (Digit) Lottery, Gambling, Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno, Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Horse Racing, Sports Betting, Probability, Odds, Statistics, Combinatorial Mathematics, Lexicographical Ordering, Random Generators
1. Presentation of the Best Software for Lotto, Lottery, Gambling, Science
- Most software at this site consists of one-of-a-kind programs. Axiomatic one, you won't find similar applications no matter where you search for, or how much you'd be willing to pay for.
- Just think how much others charge for software or systems worth around 1% of what you get here. All software applications elsewhere consist only of lottery results, number frequency, or a few prepackaged lotto wheels some asking you to pay $200, or yearly membership fees of USD 100! Deceivingly also, they promote a collection of lottery draws as one program. Hence, their ads touting: "Get hundreds of lottery programs!" when the "programs" are nothing more than results files from various lottery games! All lottery results (drawings) worldwide are available for free on the Internet.
- By contrast, all creations here are founded on solid mathematics and the discoveries of this author. All theories are free to read and study online you might have already read several of my Web pages. In every other place, you can only click on the Buy Now button without a clue! You don't really know what the foundation of software is, or what theories the authors developed or applied to their software.
- And, yes, one single lotto application of mine, for example, works with hundreds of compatible lottery data files (results, past winning numbers, draws, drawings
simple text files). Just tell the program the name of the lotto file you want to work with at that particular time; run the lotto software again with another data file..., etc.) Don't pay 100 times for 100 lottery drawing files nothing more than 100 simple text files that are free over the Net! Besides, a person normally plays in one or two lottery environments (e.g. U.S. state lotteries). The rest of the data files represent a wasteful burden.
- This page presents the most important software titles in various categories (jackpot lotto games, pick 3 4 lotteries, horse racing, sports betting, etc.) It is highly recommended to download and run the integrated software packages known as Bright and especially Ultimate. They require separate memberships, but each at very reasonable prices (undoubtedly the best in the business).
2. MDIEditor Lotto WE Comprehensive Application for Lotto, Lottery, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno, Horse Racing
- MDIEditor And Lotto WE is the most comprehensive software application that covers the largest number of lotto and lottery games, plus horse-racing. This super program works with:
- Pick-3 lotteries; other names: daily games, 3-digit lottery games, etc.; usually, there are 1000 sets, from 000 to 999;
- Pick-4 lotteries; other names: daily games, Big 4, 4-digit lottery games, etc.; usually, there are 10000 sets, from 0000 to 9999;
- Lotto games: drawing 4, or 5, or 6, or 7 unique numbers from a variety of total numbered balls; the number of total possible combinations is variable; e.g. from 1,2,3,4,5,6 to 44-45-46-47-48-49 or 13983816 total combinations;
- Two-in-one lotto games: drawing 5 unique numbers from one chamber and one more number from the second chamber; the first numbers are known as the regular numbers; the 6th number is known as the Power Ball or Mega Ball; the number of total possible combinations is variable; e.g. from 1,2,3,4,5- 1 to 52-53-53-54-55; 42 or 146107962 total combinations; a variety of games belong in this category: Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Super Lotto, Thunderball;
- Two-in-one lotto games: drawing 5 unique numbers from one chamber and 2 more number from the second chamber; the first numbers are known as the regular numbers; the 6th and 7th numbers are known as the Star Numbers; the number of total possible combinations is variable; e.g. from 1,2,3,4,5- 1,2 to 46-47-48-49-50; 8, 9 or 76275360 total combinations; just one game belongs in this category, at this time: Euromillions;
- Keno games: drawing 20 unique numbers from 80 numbered balls; usually, the player plays up to 10 numbers; the odds or probabilities are variable; e.g. 1 in 8911711 for a Keno game drawing 20 from 80 and the player playing 10 numbers;
- Horse racing treated as pick-3 lottery (trifectas) and pick-4 lotteries (superfectas); horse-racing represents a hybrid between pick lotteries and lotto games.
3. Ultimate Software The Pinnacle of Programming in Lotto, Lottery, Horse Racing
The following 5 integrated packages represent the Ultimate Software for pick 3 4, lotto 5 6, horse racing trifectas. It seems just about impossible to improve on these outstanding pieces of software
in the foreseable future, anyway.
Every Ultimate Software package has also a dedicated Web page that presents all the software functions and features.
The Ultimate software for pick-3 or 3-digit lottery games (from 000 to 999).
The Ultimate software for pick-4 or 4-digit lottery games (from 0000 to 9999).
The Ultimate software for lotto-5 or 5-number jackpot games (e.g. from 1 2 3 4 5 to 35 36 37 38 39).
The Ultimate software for lotto-6 or 6-number jackpot games (e.g. from 1 2 3 4 5 6 to 44 45 46 47 48 49).
The Ultimate software for trifectas or top 3 finishers in horse races (e.g. from 1 2 3 to 10 9 8).
The applications in this special category have a lot more power even than the apps in the Bright Software bundles. See the next section.
4. Bright Software Power-Packed Apps for Pick (Digit) Lottery, Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Horse Racing, Sports Betting, Roulette
The following 7 integrated packages represent the Bright Software for pick 3 4, lotto 5 6, horse racing trifectas, sports betting, roulette.
Every Bright Software package has also a dedicated Web page that presents all the software functions and features.
The Bright software for lotto-6 or 6-number jackpot games (e.g. from 1 2 3 4 5 6 to 44 45 46 47 48 49).
The Bright software for lotto-5 or 5-number jackpot games (e.g. from 1 2 3 4 5 to 35 36 37 38 39).
The Bright software for pick-3 or 3-digit lottery games (from 000 to 999).
The Bright software for pick-4 or 4-digit lottery games (from 0000 to 9999).
The Bright software for trifectas or top 3 finishers in horse races (e.g. from 1 2 3 to 10 9 8).
The Bright software for roulette.
The Bright software for sports betting.
The Powerball software for huge-jackpot games drawing 5 regular numbers (e.g. from 1 to 69) AND one Power Ball (e.g. from 1 to 26).
- Main page: Powerball: Odds Calculator, Online Random Generator, Software, Numbers, Combinations, Strategy, Systems.
The Megamillions software for huge-jackpot games drawing 5 regular numbers (e.g. from 1 to 75) AND one Mega Ball (e.g. from 1 to 15).
- Main page: Mega Millions: Odds Calculator, Online Random Generator, Software, Numbers, Combinations, Strategy, Systems.
The Euromillions software for huge-jackpot games drawing 5 regular numbers (e.g. from 1 to 50) AND two Star Numbers (e.g. from 1 to 11).
- Main page: Euromillions: Odds Calculator, Online Random Generator, Software, Numbers, Combinations, Strategy, Systems.
5. Scientia Scientific Software for Probability, Odds, Statistics, Combinatorial Mathematics, Lexicographical Ordering, Random Generators
The Scientific software for mathematics, probability, statistics, combinatorics, lexicographic order, standard deviation, randomizing.
It is highly recommended to download and use SCIENTIA as individual programs might not get updated and uploaded separately. You'll always get the up-to-the-date version of SCIENTIA.
SuperFORMULA: The 32-bit software sports dozens of functions in theory of probability and statistics, including FFG, degree of certainty, probabilities and odds, standard deviation, etc.
PermuteCombine: The combinatorics software calculates and generates exponents (Ion Saliu's sets), permutations, arrangements, and combinations for any numbers and words (names); the sets can be sequential (lexicographic order) or random.
LexicographicSets: The combinatorics software finds the index, or order, or rank, or numeral of all types of sets: exponents, permutations, arrangements, and combinations; conversely, the program finds (constructs) the set for a given index, or order, or rank, or numeral;
Combinations: Software to generate combinations for absolutely any type of lotto game, plus horseracing straight sets. Specifically to this program, the combinations can be generated in steps. That is, the user has the choice to generate lotto combinations with constant gaps or skips between them. Furthermore, this program generates lotto combinations within a range of numbers and/or between two lexicographic indexes (ranks).
WRITER: The probability theory software randomly generates words and sentences; the words are of variable length; the sentences (phrases) can be of variable lengths.
OddsCalc: The probability theory software calculates all the odds in lotto games, including Powerball/Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno, horseracing following the official method used by the lottery commissions.
BirthdayParadox: Mathematical software (combinatorics, probability theory) that calculates the probability of two persons sharing the same birthday; and much more (collisions, duplications, coincidences).
Collisions: The most accurate and comprehensive software for calculations in the probability of duplication (or collisions, or coincidences, or repetition), including the tiny Birthday Paradox. The software performs the calculations both ways:
1) Calculate the probability (degree of certainty) when the number of persons (elements) is known;
2) Calculate the number of persons (elements) when the probability (degree of certainty) is known.
OccupancySaliuParadox ~ The probability theory software -
1) simulates Ion Saliu's Paradox of N Trials. The player selects, for example, the 10 numbers case; the number of trials N = 10 in this case. The program generates randomly 10 numbers from 1 to 10. Each run of 10 trials will show also how many numbers are missing (numbers NOT drawn in a run of 10 trials). At the end, the program calculates the average of unique numbers per run. That value always tends to 1 1/e or close to 63%.
2) The Classical Occupancy Problem: There are N elements in a set; e.g. the 10 digits from 0 to 9. The program generates the numbers randomly until all would have appeared.
Fibonacci generates Fibonacci numbers and calculates the golden ratio between two consecutive terms of the Fibonacci series.
Streaks: The probability software calculates the number of like-streaks in a number of trials. For example: how many streaks of exactly 5 consecutive heads in 1000 coin tosses?
DrawIndex: Combinatorics software applied to lotto games. The program opens a lotto data file (past drawings) and calculates the combination lexicographical order for every lotto and lottery drawing in the specified range. The rank, or index, or lexicographical order is written to a new file, next to the corresponding draw. Applicable to most lotto game formats, plus Powerball / Mega Millions 5+1 and Euromillions 5+2, plus horseracing trifectas.
Shuffle is general-purpose shuffling lottery, lotto, gambling software: lottery random generation and text files scrambling. The program applies three methods of randomization or shuffling. The software also generates combinations for all lotto games, including Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions. The combinations tend to be like in real-life: the software generates unordered random numbers.
Sorting sorts the lotto data files (drawings, results) in ascending order. The software also sorts numerical or text files by one or more columns (fields).
XC: The administrative software employs the XCOPY command of the Command Prompt to offer the best and easiest method to backup often-modified directories (folders) and files. The best backup software is also FREE to download, run, and modify at will!
6. Standalone Programs of Special Interest, Including Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Blackjack, Baccarat, Sport Spreadsheets
More specific software for 5+1 lotto games: Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Super Lotto, etc.
These games are not nearly as well represented as the 5- and 6-number lotto games.
UtilPB: 32-bit software that handles the Powerball, Mega Millions, Thunderball type of lotto games (drawing 5 winning regular numbers plus one Power Ball or Mega Ball).
More specific software for the 5+2 European lotto game named Euromillions
This game is not nearly as well represented as the 5- and 6-number lotto games.
UtilEU: 32-bit software that handles the Euromillions lotto game (drawing 5 winning regular numbers plus 2 Star numbers).
Specific software for blackjack and baccarat
BJAQK, Blackjack, probability and statistical analyzing programs of thousands of blackjack hands from the perspective of a strict blackjack basic strategy player.
BAQKARAT, Baccarat, probability and statistical analyzers of thousands of baccarat hands for the three outcomes: Banker, Player, and Push (Tie).
Specific software for roulette
RouletteHemis, roulette spins analyzer regarding the slot location and the Birthday Paradox;
SPINS, roulette spin generating application, plus a statistical analyzer of the roulette spins;
Roulette, does what SPINS does, and then some; this program adds a new system to the free roulette system #1 presented on the main roulette.htm page;
SuperRoulette, accompanies the incredible Super Roulette Strategy, the Best Roulette Systems Ever Implemented. Read that material carefully, for you could strike gold, really BIG, in real casinos.
Specific software for sports betting
Sports.xls, NFL2001.xls, Toto1x2.xls: Templates in Excel spreadsheet software to use with the sports betting system presented on the pages: "Sports Prognosticating or Betting: Best System" and "Analysis of the Results of SPORTS.XLS, the Sport Bet Spreadsheets";
BETUS32, intelligent random combination generator for sports betting, the American way; the player bets on either the favorite team to win by more than the point spread, or the underdog to lose by less than the point spread;
AMBET, is much like BETUS32 but with a twist! You can add W or L at the end of a team name; add W if the team was a winner in the previous game (week); add L if the team lost the last game (week);
TEAMS, combination generator for sports betting; the player selects any number of games, then the number of outcomes.
7. Terms of Service: One-Time Payment to Download Software
All pages, theories, formulas, systems even software tutorials at this Web site are absolutely free to read, study, save, etc. Moreover, the software is always free to run, with no limited runs. There is only one condition: Downloading the software requires fee-based membership. It is not a contradiction in terms. The software you download is fully working, and free to run for an unlimited time, with no strings attached. The software is not crippled in any way whatsoever, nor does it have annoying screens asking you for your money, or more money, or renewals, etc.
Please follow this link to read all terms and conditions in order to download this special, unique software:
Ion Saliu,
Software Developer & Site Owner
A good man is an axiomatic man; an axiomatic man is a happy man. Be axiomatic!
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